Space Technology - Vital to Our Future

When it comes to developing as a civilization, expanding the frontiers of Space Technology is vital to our technological growth as a population. This science is often overlooked and some governments are cutting back on it due to how expensive they perceive it to be.
A few of the more recent Space Projects that may not happen are the Space Fence to clean up space junk and orbital debris, as well as the James Webb Space Telescope which could potentially discover new Earth-like planets. The James Webb Telescope would be a much more advanced replacement to the Hubble Telescope, and could help us better understand the universe.
Problems orbiting Earth
In orbit, there are over 20,000 satellites, stage 1 shuttle parts, and other scraps of metal in the lower orbit of the Earth. Project Space Fence would have been set out in order to help clean these up, and potentially recycle the parts. Some of these are not only in a dangerously low orbit, but often collide with each other to form more debris.
The orbital space debris that is plaguing our lower orbit is becoming increasingly dangerous for us. The NASA UARS satellite fell to earth in September and that was one of the biggest satellites to fall from space. All the space junk orbiting earth could account up to around $300 billion in resources and continues to accumulate every time we send more space shuttles up into space. With collisions to other space debris and satellites, these objects break apart to form smaller pieces of debris which is not only harder to clean, but is just as dangerous if colliding with a space shuttle.
Expand the Borders of our Knowledge
As a civilization, we are here today because of the research that previous generations made in order to leave their mark on history. They planned ahead and helped in building the foundation to secure our future.
As citizens, we must ensure that researching and investing in space technology to better our technology both in space and on Earth. Advances and development in space technology is put on hold due to not enough investments that have gone towards applied research. If more emphasis was put on this then Space Technology would have a better foundation in order to implement safer and more cost-effective solutions.
A Big Project from NASA
One of the other NASA projects is the potential research and development of a space taxi, assisted by Boeing Co. The plan is to use the Kennedy Space Center processing hanger as the location to start construction of these space taxis. These futuristic shuttles would be used for military, commercial, and residential purposes. There are many exciting things happening around Space Technology, Space Habitats, and upcoming Space Stations in the years to come; it would be a shame if NASA's funding gets cut and will be unable to keep up with other countries.
An issue with the current state and development of space technology is that the reports of NASA funding being cut. According to a Washington Times report, this is a possibility which has made many scientists upset. If NASA's budget gets cut then the US will lose the momentum that it's been gaining over the years developing and pioneering new technology to expand the frontiers of space science.
Why we should Encourage Space Technology
All of the effort that NASA put into the Mars missions will be halted which could be devastating for the US. Space Technology is clearly important and leads to breakthroughs like the laws of gravitation with nuclear fusion.
The most important aspect is that it helps inspire people of all ages to better themselves and look to the stars. Whether it inspires children to think more about educational subjects like science, math, technology, or those of us who dream of a better tomorrow.
If you are looking to expand your knowledge on some of the news that is happening related to technology, I highly suggest you take a look at Clevercrunch. If you would like more information related to this article, you can visit The Importance of Advances in Space Technology for an in depth view.


  1. I have more attraction about Space Technology and i know this is so enjoyable and creative job for us. To make our life so more entertainment this is so interesting for us.


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